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Tooth pain or a dental emergency might make it difficult to think clearly. What should you do once you’ve dealt with the initial discomfort or bleeding? We’re ready to help you with your dental emergency here at Rivers Edge Dental! So, what exactly is a dental emergency?

We can resolve a dental problem faster if you seek dental care as soon as possible. Early detection and treatment of dental issues might mean the difference between losing and retaining a natural tooth. We attempt to schedule same-day treatment for urgent dental needs for patients in the Coolidge area and those visiting from out of town. A terrible toothache, as well as a fractured or knocked-out tooth, can be treated by our staff.


What is Considered a Dental Emergency?

What is the definition of a dental emergency? Any accident or physical trauma to the mouth that causes significant injury or pain is considered a dental emergency. The following are some examples of common dental emergencies:

  • Loose teeth
  • Tooth knocked out
  • A tooth that has been cracked or shattered.
  • Toothache that won’t go away
  • Cuts to the inside of the mouth’s tissues
  • Abscessed Tooth


In an Emergency, What Should You Do?

If you experience a dental emergency, the first thing you should do is contact our Coolidge, Arizona emergency dentist. We’ll be able to get you in for a same-day appointment so that you or a family member may get the help they need right away. We shall strictly adhere to the FDA’s guidelines to keep both you and our employees safe and healthy. If you’re unwell or have a fever, the best thing you can do is phone your doctor or go to the nearest emergency room. If you’re feeling under the weather, we recommend staying at home.

If you have pain or swelling, take an over-the-counter painkiller and place an ice pack over the area. We may give you more instructions to limit the pain and keep your teeth safe when you call.


Teeth That Have Been Chipped or Fractured

A warm water rinse might help relieve discomfort if your tooth chips or breaks. You can use any over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen if necessary. It would be best if you did not take aspirin. If swelling develops, apply a cool compress to the cheek.

Knocked-Out Tooth 

Although we can save knocked-out teeth, time is of the essence. The crown should be found and gently washed when knocked out. Only the crown, not the roots, should be used to replace a knocked-out tooth. It is not necessary to scrape it. If feasible, the tooth should be reinstalled in the socket and bit down to keep it in place. The tooth can be sent to the dentist in milk or saline solution if this isn’t possible. The idea is to keep the tooth moist until Dr. Gerhardt, Drs. Hunsaker and Rodriguez, or Dr. Dubinetsky can evaluate the issue.

Teeth That Have Become Dislodged

Dislodged teeth are not the same as having a tooth knocked out. A dislodged tooth is loose yet still linked to the rest of the mouth. In this situation, try to reinsert the tooth in its proper position and bite down to keep it stable until you get to our office.

Abscessed Tooth

A dental abscess can develop if a tooth infection is left untreated for a long time. An abscess is incredibly distressing and is a severe tooth infection that can spread to your jawbone and mouth floor. You may require oral surgery to eradicate the disease if this is the case.


We strive to keep our patients comfortable and free of injury or suffering at Rivers Edge Dental. As a result, we understand that most dental emergencies are unforeseen and may occur outside of typical business hours. If you have injured your tooth or you are experiencing discomfort, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so that we can schedule an emergency dental appointment in Coolidge, Arizona, and treat the problem. Our pleasant staff will do everything possible to fit your schedule and get you back to living a pain-free life. Make a call right now.

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