Maintaining excellent oral health involves appropriately caring for your teeth, gums, and mouth. However, despite our best efforts, we sometimes experience dental issues like tooth loss, decay, or damage. These issues can result in severe dental problems, causing speaking, eating, and smiling difficulty. Dentistry has come a long way, and today, you have a wide range of options to restore your teeth and revitalize your smile. One of the most revolutionary dental procedures is our Arizona dental implants at Rivers Edge Dental, which offer numerous benefits over other traditional dental restorations. If you’re considering dental implants for oral health needs, read on to learn the top five benefits of dental implants.
- Improved Appearance: We design dental implants to look, feel, and function like natural teeth. They are custom-made to match your existing teeth, which creates a natural-looking and beautiful smile. Dentures are another excellent restorative dentistry option, but implants are fixed and non-removable, unlike dentures.
- Increased Comfort: Patients who previously had to endure the discomfort of missing teeth can significantly benefit from dental implants. They offer a long-lasting, comfortable solution that functions like natural teeth so patients can eat, speak, and live their lives without any discomfort.
- Improved Oral Health: Dental implants are easy to maintain with regular brushing and flossing.
- Our dental bridges in Coolidge, Arizona, provide an effective way to replace teeth, but implants have the advantage of not relying on existing teeth for support. Implants maintain the structure of your jawbone and facial structure, which prevents dental problems, such as gum disease, bone loss, and decay.
- Long-Lasting Solution: Dental implants last longer than other traditional dental restorations. They are incredibly durable and can last 10-15 years or more with proper maintenance and care. Unlike some restorative dentistry options, they also maintain their integrity, which eventually becomes loose or unfit as the bone underneath changes.
- Improved Self-Confidence: Dental implants can help restore your self-confidence and self-esteem by replacing missing teeth, which may make you feel self-conscious or embarrassed. They are an excellent investment in oral health and appearance, so you can live without worrying about your smile.
How Do I Get Started?
To get started, we’ll take you through the following steps involved in dental implant placement. First, Dr. Matt Hunsaker will take you through a thorough examination to assess your oral health and suitability for dental implants. We’ll perform a comprehensive evaluation to determine the right treatment plan that suits your needs. This stage includes dental X-rays to give accurate measurements and ensure we identify and address any underlying issues before the implant placement sequence commences.
The next stage is the surgical placement of the implant. We’ll insert the titanium in the jawbone during the surgical procedure, which supports the replacement tooth. The surgical insertion is typically done under local anesthesia, ensuring a pain-free experience throughout the process.
Once we place the implant, you’ll need to wait around 3-4 months after the initial surgery to allow the implant to integrate with the jawbone naturally. We can place a temporary prosthetic over the implant site during this healing period to help improve appearances. Patients can continue their routine daily activities if they follow a prescribed diet.
The next stage is a minor procedure called abutment placement. We do this after the implant has bonded with the jawbone, and it involves fixing a small post on the top of the implant to support the crown (replacement tooth). The abutment procedure is typically a pain-free experience, and the post is left to heal for about two weeks.
Finally, a permanent crown or bridge is attached to the abutment via a unique adhesive to ensure long-lasting stability and comfort. Our dental experts work closely with patients to ensure the size, shape, and color of the crown or bridge closely match the other teeth in the mouth, guaranteeing a high-quality natural look when completed.
Arizona Dental Implants
Dental implants offer a unique, comprehensive solution to restore and revitalize your smile. They offer patients numerous benefits, including improved appearance, comfort, oral health, long-lasting solutions, and increased self-confidence.
At Rivers Edge Dental, our dental specialists can guide you through the process, allowing you to make the best choice for your oral health needs. Contact us today and experience the transformative benefits of dental implants!